In computer networks there is a model arrangement to be able to connect from one computer to another computer. Model TCP / IP to connect between computers or computer addressing method known as IP Address. Here you will learn the protocol TCP / IP and IP Address.
a. TCP / IP protocol
Have you followed the flag ceremony at school? If you notice, a series of events have been organized and controlled by a person who serves as host or MC (Master of Ceremony). MC will determine the sequence of events, duration, and who is in charge. Inside there is a computer networking term Transport Connection Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). Computer network with the Windows operating system, TCP / IP has an important role and also because of TCP / IP is the protocol options (default) from Windows.
b. IP Address
Know your home number? Yes, almost all the houses have numbers. House numbers are important to the residents in it either to identity or correspondence.
Like the house number, IP address is the address given on computer networks and network equipment that uses TCP / IP protocols. IP addresses consist of 32-bit binary numbers that can be written as four groups of numbers separated by decimal points tsaudara like
Network ID Host ID
192 168 0 1
Table 2. Examples of IP Address.
IP addresses consist of two parts, namely the network ID and host ID. Network ID determine the address of the computer network, while the host ID to determine the host address (computers, routers, switches).
So if you have two or three computers, then the ID can be written on the host and and
Therefore, the IP address provides the full address of a host and its network address where the host is located.
c. IP Address classes
To simplify the use of IP addresses is divided into three classes.
Class Network ID Host ID
A xxx.0.0.1 xxx.255.255.254
Table 3. Distribution of IP Address Class.
IP addresses are given for the class A network with a very large number of hosts. IP Range -, there were 16,777,214 (16 million), an IP address in each class A. IP addresses are given for the class A network with a very large number of hosts. In class A IP address, network ID is the 8 bit first, while the host ID is 24 bits.
Thus, how to read a class A IP address, for example is:
Network ID = 113
Host ID = 46.5.6
So the IP address above means 46.5.6 host on the network numbers 113 numbers.
Class B IP address is usually allocated for medium and large sized networks. In class B IP address, network ID is 16 bits first, while the host ID is 16 bits. Thus, how to read a class B IP address, for example
Network ID = 132.92
Host ID = 121.1
So the IP address of the above means the host number 121.1 on the network number 132.92. with host ID 16 bits long. Network with class B IP address can accommodate about 65 000 hosts. IP Range -
Class C IP address originally used for small networks (LANs). Host ID is 8 bits last. With this configuration, can be formed about 2 million networks with each network has 256 IP addresses. IP Range - 223.255.255.x.
Allocating an IP address is basically the process of selecting the network ID and host ID is right for a network. Whether or not this configuration is appropriate depends on the goals to be achieved, which allocates an IP address as efficiently as possible.
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